Pastry – Rs. 180/-
Butterscotch pastry with Strawberry sauce
Congue, gravida. Placeat nibh sunt semper elementum anim! Integer lectus debitis auctor. Molestias vivamus eligendi ut, cupidatat nisl iaculis etiam! Laboris aenean .
Monday - Saturday | 10AM - 6PM
Write a couple of lines elaborating on the title above. Make sure it attracts people.
Write a couple of lines elaborating on the title above. Make sure it attracts people.
Write a couple of lines elaborating on the title above. Make sure it attracts people.
Congue, gravida. Placeat nibh sunt semper elementum anim! Integer lectus debitis auctor. Molestias vivamus eligendi ut, cupidatat nisl iaculis etiam! Laboris aenean .
Butterscotch pastry with Strawberry sauce
Chocolate Pastry with caramel topping
smooth and tastier than any other cake
smooth and tastier than any other cake
- Shamika Smith
- Jose Hatts
- Monica Tata